Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mother Monolouge Midwife/Unassisted

We are mothers

We are mothers whose babies were both born at home

I labored with support my midwife was there

I was mostly alone I was unassited

We were naked and primal as mother bears

It happened so fast

Here's his feet

Here's her head

I moaned and I groaned

I monologued whiled I circled the rug like an old mother dog

We had safe healthy babies

We Are Mothers

Mother Monolouge Waterbirth/Landbirth

We are Mothers

My baby was full term

My baby was premature

We birthed at the hosptial

My baby was head down

My baby was breech

We had vaginal births

I labored naturally

I had PROM and Pitocin

We didn't use pain medication

I had and midwife

I had and OB

We hardly pushed

We had healthy girls

We Are Mothers

Mother Monolouge Natural/ Epidural

WE Are Mothers

I was surrounded by love

I was surrounded by medicine

We were surrounded by family

I endured the pain willingly

I had bad pain

We were empowered by our births

I felt powerful

I felt helpless lost and trapped

We had vaginal births

I enjoyed the silence of no machines

I was on someone else's schedule

We bonded with our babies

Mother Monolouge Hospital birth /Homebirth


I didn't feel comfortable in the hospital gown


We were watching the clock

I was medicated

I was empowered

We felt acceptance

I was told what I needed instead of being asked

I accomplished a VBAC

We felt Release

My baby was taken from me

I caught my baby myself

We were overjoyed to meet our child

We were not completely taken care of

We were glad to be home

We Are Mothers

Red Tent Mother Monologues

We had a wonderful Red Tent at the BOLD events. We celebrated being mothers. We partnered with other mothers that had different birth experiences and found out through our differences we had also had simularities. The women came up with some beautiful monologues that were performed and I thought I'd share...